Content editing and updates

A prototype example of how to simplify the process of updating and managing the DFM and investigating options around users and permissions.

Prototype editor

We have produced the following prototype to explore how editing of DFM content could work as a series of simple web forms.

Currently this uses a subset of the metadata that would likely be required for each dataset. However the patterns used are extendible and should cope easily with increased fields. However each new field adds to the complexity and burden for a user so should be carefully considered.

NOTE: Data is not saved and the prototype is intended to demonstrate steps rather than finished design, fields or validation.

Updates, users and permissions

The content of the site will need to change over time as new datasets are updated or acquired. There are a number of approaches and options we could take, both with for updating and for users and permissions. The following tables include some high level examples of these and some considerations to help assess what option is best.

Options: Updating DFM

Increasing complexity ->

Data pulled from centralised system

Data pulled from multiple locations

Limited editorial control and some data pulled from other systems

Complete editorial control in DFM

Options: Considerations:

  • How quickly do updates need to show?
  • How often will the data change?
  • How can we make the best use of existing data, either to pre-populate or in an ongoing capacity
  • If using data from multiple sources that overlap, which would take precedence in a conflict?
  • Does all of the data need to be directly editable?
  • What level (if any) of versioning and/or archiving is required?

Users and permissions

Increasing complexity ->

No direct editing of DFM

Small number of editors with same permissions

Editors limited to editing specific content
Editors only able to perform certain actions e.g. View/Edit/Preview/Publish

Editors limited to editing specific content and
Editors only able to perform certain actions e.g. View/Edit/Preview/Publish


  • Need to consider training of users and support of accounts
  • If users accessing site to make changes infrequently, likely to need a lot of support
  • Need to consider who manages these permissions and user accounts
  • Is any of the data metadata sensitive or restricted to specific users?